This error is either caused by an issue with the windows installer component or your antivirus software. The Windows Installer Service could not be accessed If your installer passes the signature check but is failing and you don't find a resolution below, then rerun the installer, checking the log checkbox, and send the file C:\reflect_install.log to us with details about the error you are seeing. If the installer is corrupt, the digital signature will be flagged as not valid (left image below) and if it verifies successfully, then it will be flagged OK (right image below). Pick the digital signatures tab, select the only signature in the signature list and click details. Right click on the installer file, and chose properties. Your first step in resolving installer issues is to confirm that the installer is not corrupt. In some rare cases, these can become miss-configured. ReflectDL.exe uses internet explorer components built into your windows installation. Firewalls need to allow outgoing port 80 access to and. The vast majority of download issues are caused by firewall or internet connectivity issue. When you download Macrium Reflect, you will first download a small application, the Reflect Installer Download (ReflectDL.exe) which will establish which installer you need and download the latest version for you from our download servers. This article discusses common issues you may have with downloading and installation and possible resolutions.