After the operation is completed, you receive a fully functional duplicate of the existing hard disk.◐ Partition raw copy : to copy the on-disk partitions in the sector-by-sector mode to successfully process unknown file systems. unallocated space or unused sectors of existing partitions will be processed as well). ◐ HDD raw copy : to copy the hard disk in the sector-by-sector mode, thus ignoring its information structure (e.g. Select a hard disk (if several) where all data of the source disk will be copied to.Please note, however, if you use this option, drives that smaller in size than the source disk will be unavailable to use as destination. You can save time by suppressing calculation of the resulted amount of data to copy after using excludes.

If you need to use them, please mark the checkbox and see existing/specify additional filters on the next page of the wizard. ◑ Use exclude masks: By default, the program doesn’t take into account exclude filters set in the Settings dialog. Click the Copy & Migration tab on the Ribbon Panel, then select Copy Hard Disk.During copy operation, target disk content will be deleted, so backup files on the target disk in advance if needed. Note✍: You need at least two hard disks to carry out this operation. Learn how to use Paragon Hard Disk Manager to clone drive in detail below: This tool provides the means to copy a whole hard disk or just a partition and also to migrate the operating system, programs and data to another HDD or SSD. It is available in the Paragon Drive Copy Professional. With HDM 15 Suite, you can copy a disk through its Drive Copy feature.

Paragon Hard Disk Manager provides you with more features than mentioned above.

How to Perform Paragon Disk Copy Step by Step If something unexpected happens to your computer, you can recover data from a backup, including the entire hard disk or its partitions, separate files, or folders.

Alternatively, it can clean unused space only with the possibility to restore a deleted file. If you want to dispose of a disk, you can use it to erase personal data. If you want to migrate OS or change an old HDD to SSD, the Drive Copy tool can help you create an exact, uncompressed replica of your OS or data onto another drive. If your internal drive running low on available disk space, you can use it to resize partitions on the fly to maximize available storage capacity. It is a complete, all-in-one data management solution for Windows PC users working in physical or virtual environments. Paragon Hard Disk Manager (HDM) is a data security and storage management product developed by Paragon Software Group.